Mean Bean Routine

Beatrix Metral and Dina Chehab
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Beatrix's Brief
The Mean Bean Routine: a game designed to demonstrate the struggle of trying to make money after a large storm like Hurricane Maria. This app focuses specifically on how hard it is to rebuild a business that many farmers depend on when their crops are wiped out and their machines are destroyed. 

The Mean Bean Routine is designed to demonstrate the struggle of trying to make money after a large storm like Hurricane Maria. This app focuses specifically on how hard it is to rebuild a business that many farmers depend on when their crops are wiped out and their machines are destroyed. Players of the game start off as farmers in Puerto Rico, pre-Hurricane Maria. They have to race against a corporate business owner to produce as much chocolate as possible by turning a hand crank in real life to simulate grinding cocoa beans. There is no way for the player to lose the first round, so they automatically win at the end. After winning, the player is brought to a cutscene where Hurricane Maria passes by their farm, destroying their crops and machine. They then are given a new, handmade, less efficient machine to use in the next few rounds. After losing against the corporate owner a few times because, unlike the first round, this time there is no way to win, the player is prompted to support farmers post-Maria by clicking on a button that says “donate”. If they don’t click this, there is no way for them to win and they will eventually quit the game out of frustration. If they do click this, they are given a new machine in the game and are able to play against the corporate owner and win, depending on how fast they grind and how good they are.

This game is targeted towards anyone who is unaware of the damage Maria caused. The hope is to awaken empathy and generate donations for those suffering the long-term effects of Hurricane Maria by causing the players to experience frustration firsthand, and to realize what some farmers have to suffer through. The game will need to be installed on desktop computers so that players have their hands free to turn the hand crank.

Max's Brief
The Mean Bean Routine: a game designed to promote natural disaster recovery funding by putting the user into a realistic situation. The game shows how it is impossible to recover quickly from a natural disaster without help from other people and communities.

Our game is made to encourage donating to natural disaster recovery funds. You are a successful Cocoa Bean farmer in Puerto Rico. Suddenly Hurricane Maria hits and you are reduced to nothing. The player needs to click the donate link in the game to win. This game shows people who are not in bad situations what it is like for those who need help and encourages them to donate. We created this game using the Unity3D game engine for public display in developed worlds. The game would be set up in a public space for people to play. The crank controller for the game, which creates emersion, also makes a noise that attracts attention.