STEP 1: In the top-right corner, click the word "login." 

STEP 2: When the black menu appears, click "reset password," enter your email address, and then click "Send Password Reset Link."

STEP 3: Check your email account for an email from NuVu. Be sure to check your junk email folder as well if you don't see the email in your inbox. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

STEP 4: You should now see your name in the top right corner. Success! (your screen will look slightly different than mine). 

Diagramming Workshop

Kate James



Designers represent their ideas through many different means: drawings, photographs, renderings, scale models, prototypes, and more. Each method presents specific advantages for highlighting different aspects of the concept and proposed execution.


In this assignment, we will learn about different types of diagrams, and how we can use each one to further communicate the ideas of your project. 

Review the presentation above to learn about the types of diagrams used by designers to communicate their ideas. Then each project team needs to create a Use Diagram and Technical Diagram. As you create your diagrams, consider how each one will highlight a different aspect of your idea. These diagrams should be useful tools for others to understand your idea.

Keep in mind that these diagrams will be shared in your final presentation, so take care to make them clean and easily understandable. 

Draw a Use Diagram

  1. Look back at examples of this type of diagram in the slides above. 
  2. Depict who is interacting with your project as well as how they are utilizing it.
  3. Using arrows, color coding, and/or labels, point out the components of your project in your Use Diagram. 

Draw a Technical Diagram

  1. Look back at examples in the slides above. Notice how these examples deconstruct the object to show the individual elements.
  2. Deconstruct or take apart your final project into multiple components. Try to highlight visually, how the project is put together to perform its functions.


Submit your Use Diagram/s or Technical Diagram/s in the Responses tab above.

PIR Motion Sensor

Liam Brady

PIR sensors (or passive infrared sensors) are motion sensors that measure subtle changes in infrared light in the room and register that change as movement. The processing is done on the chip and it outputs a current based on whether or not it detects motion.

int pin = 2;

void setup(){
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);

  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  int pirVal = digitalRead(pin);

  if (pirVal == 0) {
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);


Infrared Distance Sensor

Liam Brady

Infrared distance sensors are sensors that measure how far away an object is by shooting infrared light at the object and measuring how much light is reflected back. They output an analog current which can be read by the Arduino.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);



Force Sensor

Liam Brady

Force sensors are sensors that change resistance based on how much force is applied on it. The more force applied, the lower the resistance. Force can be measured using the analog pins on the Arduino.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);


Flex Sensor

Liam Brady

Flex sensors are resistance-based sensors that react to how much they get bent. The more they are bent, the larger the resistance across the sensor. The Arduino is able to measure the changing resistance to determine how much the sensor is bent.

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);


Ultrasonic Sensor (Large)

Liam Brady

Ultrasonic sensors are distance sensors that use sound waves to detect how far away an object is. They send out high frequency bursts of sound and listen for its echo. They then determine how far away the object is based on how long it takes for the sound to return to the sensor. This variety requires an Arduino library to operate.


NewPing Library

#include <NewPing.h>

NewPing mysensor(5, 6, 200);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int pingTime =;

  int distance = mysensor.ping_in();

  int distance_cm = mysensor.ping_cm();


Template in English

Dina Chehab


Student name

Presentations are the story of your project - from early sketches and inspiration, through prototypes and more developed ideas, presentations highlight the pieces of the process that led each student to their latest project.


In this assignment, you will compile and create your final presentation, which will become part of your online portfolio of work, able to be shared with the public.


Create a post in the "Portfolio" tab of your project folder. This post has two components: the visual presentation and the written project description. Each component is outlined below and should be included in the same post.

Deliverable 1: Visual Presentation

  1. Slide 1: Final Photograph with Project title
  2. Slide 2: Thesis Statement (1-2 sentence project statement that explains the overall idea of your project)
  3. Slide 3: Precedent Image(s)
  4. Slides 4-6: Concepts with initial drawings (sketch photographs storyboard)
  5. Slides 7-8: Scale Model Photographs - GIFs
  6. Slides 9...: Final Diagrams (Story, Use, and Technical)

  1. Deliverable 2: Project Statement

The Project Statement is a 1-2 paragraph project description that explains the overall idea of your project to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic. Below is a series of key points to consider as you write this final project description. Keep in mind that you should not simply put all of the answers together -- you must weave it together into a clear story.

Things to consider:

  1. The what is a clear statement of the overall idea/thesis.
  2. The why explains how your project changes the world. It is the reason your project exists – what social issue is it engaging, who is your project helping, how does the project change the world, and what important social, intellectual, or technical questions does it raise? The scope of the why can vary widely.
  3. The how briefly explains what technical prowess, innovative methods, or cool materials you used in your solution.
  4. The who explains who will use your design, why they will use it, and in what context.
  5. Think of the reader - it is good to imagine that a university admissions officer AND a potential employer in the field of your design should both be able to understand and be excited by the project based on your writing.

Studio Description | وصف الاستديو

Dina Chehab

ADD Media : The Key Visual for your Studio - With title

Learn how to do the following post here

Date: Session 1: October 31- December 19, 2021 (Add title)

Studio Description: In this studio, students will tell a unique story about Riyadh. They will observe the city, document it, and create a storyboard that interprets their story to be communicated through a ‘designed stop motion’.

Students will then use the stop motion animation filmmaking technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion or change when the series of frames is played back. This method of filmmaking will be coupled with interactive elements that illustrate the students unique story of Riyadh. 

Add description :

  1. Start with a catchy phrase, include the main goal of your studio
  2. Explain the multiple steps students will undertake to reach the final outcome, and state what the final product is 
  3. Describe the soft and hard skills students will acquire, and how they will be useful for them

في هذا الأستديو، سيقوم الطلاب بالتقاط قصة أحد الشخصيات من التاريخ الأردني أو العربي من الذين لم يسمعوا بهم قبلاً أو لم يتم التطرق لهم في كتب التاريخ في مدارسهم، سيقوم الطلاب بالتعلم عن تلك الشخصيات ومن ثم تصميم قصة مصورة تعكس وتوسع فهمهم لهذه القصص والشخصيات من خلال تقنية توقف الحركة (designed stop motion).

بعد ذلك، سيقوم الطلاب باستخدام تقنيات صناعة الأفلام والتحريك عن طريق التلاعب بالمجسمات بزيادات بسيطة في حجم كل إطار للصور بحيث تظهر وتعرض حركات مستقلة أو من خلال تغيير سلسلة الإطارات التي يتم عرضها، سيتم اقتران طريقة صناعة الأفلام هذه مع عناصر متفاعلة تعكس السرد المركب لحياة كل من هذه الشخصيات.

اضف وصفا:

ابدأ بعبارة جذابة ، قم بتضمين الهدف الرئيسي للاستديو الخاص بك - 

اشرح الخطوات المتعددة التي سيتخذها الطلاب للوصول إلى النتيجة النهائية ، وحدد المنتج النهائي - 

وصف المهارات الناعمة والصعبة التي سيكتسبها الطلاب ، وكيف ستكون مفيدة لهم - 

Focus skills/subjects/technologies: (Those are some examples /هذه بعض الأمثلة) 





 Digital Fabrication (Laser-cutting, 3d Printing)


 Robotics (Arduino)


Digital Animation

Sound Design

You can save the following logos, here are some others you can use:


Enrolling students must be between the ages of 14 to 18