Sea Pollution

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Exercise Title: Cartooning the Anthropocene 


The Anthropocene is a term used to describe the current time period in Earth's history, starting when human activities began to significantly impact our world's environment and climate. 

It reflects how human activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, and pollution, are leaving an indelible mark on our planet. 

Think of it as the age where humans have become a major force reshaping the planet, from changing landscapes due to deforestation and urbanization, to causing climate change through pollution. The term helps underline the responsibility we have to protect and care for our planet.

Instructions:You will choose one environmental problem of interest, and create a visual representation to be shared with your classmates. You will use this as part of your final project topic.

Questions to respond to sketch the issue: 

    • What issue did your team investigate? 
    • What are the root causes of this issue? 
    • What are the effects of this issue? On humans, plants, animals, the environment?
    • Sketch the issues the team you investigate 

Deliverables: Post your sketch presentation in the Response Tab of the Environmental Research Assignment.

Notes: Additional base research material for each topic has been posted under the Precedents Tab of this assignment. These videos are intended as brief introductions only: your team will need to dig much deeper and find additional materials in order to complete the research presentations.


Wafaa Al Malki

Final Presentation

Anara Magavi

The Trash Collectopus

Team Trashapus

Carlo Grabiel Butler

Tanesha Nixel

Week 1

Session 1


  • Introduction to LAMBA  + Introduction to studio (15min)
  • Icebreaker (10min)
  • Intro Activity (95min)
Session 2


  • Environment Challenges 
  • Platform Presentation 

Week 2
Session 3 


  • Earth Rescue missions  1h
  • Energy renewable Lecture (Kahoot) + activity   1h
Session 4


  • Energy Renewable continuation 1h 
  • Photo booth + Platform
week 3

Session 5
  • Precedent Analysis 1h 
  • Brainstorming 1h 
  • Share out
Session 6
  • Brainstorming continued + Concept thesis + sketching 
  • Feedback 
Week 4 

Session 7
  • Prototyping
Session 8
  • Prototyping continue
  • Share out + Documentation
  • Feedback
week 5
Session 9
  • Rhino 
Session 10
  • Rhino
Week 6
Session 11
  • Electronics 
Session 12
  • Electronics 

Week 7
Session 13
  • Laser cut intro ( we start laser cutting) 
  • Diagramming 
Session 14
  • Assembly + Electronics 
week 8 
Session 15
  • Final prep 
Session 16

Earth Rescue Missions


We will create montages using photo editing software (or physically by cutting and pasting) of a future world. Imagining either a utopia or dystopia and describe how we arrived at this future. 


Use Photoshop to generate a Fictional Future World. 

Start with a blank canvas with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or greater. 

Place each element on a separate Photoshop layer

Use high resolutions (large pixel count) images to build your montage

Consider perspective, color, brightness, and scale

Try multiple different options to determine which best tells your narrative


Create a post to showcase your image montage of a future fictional world. 

Write a description to explain the world and how it became that way.