Bio-Inspired Machines 6 weeks

Making Things Fast

Dina Chehab

Whiteboard Idea Jam

Aaron Laniosz


Idea Jam 




In this brainstorming activity, we will generate the ideas that will define the concepts of our group projects. We will start by generating idea lists individually, then as a group share all ideas on a pin-up brainstorming board with writing, drawing, post-it notes, and a lot of discussion.


See Example 5.


At the end of this activity, the group will have created a collective pin-up brainstorming board. With this resource, the studio facilitator should take time to partner project pairs and create project folders before the next studio session. The next studio session will begin with the sharing of project concepts and project partnerships. 


Feedback is a crucial step in the design process, as it exposes you to new ideas, methods, and techniques for developing your ideas further. Continuous feedback throughout the design process also creates a collaborative studio culture, where ideas are shared across projects, which leads to more exciting, developed, and innovative ideas!

We ask you to be thoughtful in your feedback, and refer to the guide below when giving feedback to your peers: 

Guidance for Giving Feedback:

  1. Feedback should never have mean intentions! You can be positive and critical at the same time.
  2. Be as specific as you can.
  3. What kind of feedback would you find helpful if it were your project? Try to give the type of feedback that you would like to receive.
  4. Always elaborate with WHY. Instead of just saying, "your idea is great," explain what part of their project you like, and why you think it is interesting.
  5. Ask questions! If something doesn't make sense to you, ask a question about that part of the project or idea. This is a great method for getting someone to think about new ideas, different perspectives, and new approaches.


In this assignment, you will provide feedback to three of your peers. To do this, go to the "Projects" folder, and explore your classmates' midterm presentations and initial sketch models. Select 3 other project teams to provide feedback to and create comments on their midterm presentations. Below their posts, click the "comment" button to add your feedback. 

Your peers (and you) will consider this feedback as they decide which one project idea to develop further in the next assignments. 

NuVu Photo Booth

Andrew Todd Marcus

NuVu Platform: Logging In

James Addison

If you have used the NuVu Platform before AND you remember your password, then skip to STEP 4 and 5. If this is your first time using the Platform or if you have forgotten your password, then follow all of the steps below. 

STEP 1: In the top-right corner, click the word "login." 

STEP 2: When the black menu appears, click "reset password," and enter your school email address, and then click "Send Password Reset Link."

STEP 3: Check your school email account for an email from NuVu. Be sure to check your junk email folder as well if you don't see the email in your inbox. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

STEP 4: You should now see your name in the top right corner. Success! (your screen will look slightly different than mine). Under "Studios" click on our current studio, "Cyborg Enhancements". You can also find this studio by clicking on your name in the top right corner.

STEP 5: You are now on the landing page for our studio for the rest of the term! To let me know that you have succeeded in making it this far, make a celebratory comment under the post "comment here!" This post will only appear if you have logged in successfully. 

Introduction to the Slide Editor

Jiyoo Jye

How to Use the Media Hub

Combine Video, Gifs, and Images and Text, All in One Post!

To report a bug or see release notes, visit the platform page.