Beneath the Lands (MD) [Master]

Diagramming Workshop

Kate James



Designers represent their ideas through many different means: drawings, photographs, renderings, scale models, prototypes, and more. Each method presents specific advantages for highlighting different aspects of the concept and proposed execution.


In this assignment, we will learn about different types of diagrams, and how we can use each one to further communicate the ideas of your project. 

Review the presentation above to learn about the types of diagrams used by designers to communicate their ideas. Then each project team needs to create a Use Diagram and Technical Diagram. As you create your diagrams, consider how each one will highlight a different aspect of your idea. These diagrams should be useful tools for others to understand your idea.

Keep in mind that these diagrams will be shared in your final presentation, so take care to make them clean and easily understandable. 

Draw a Use Diagram

  1. Look back at examples of this type of diagram in the slides above. 
  2. Depict who is interacting with your project as well as how they are utilizing it.
  3. Using arrows, color coding, and/or labels, point out the components of your project in your Use Diagram. 

Draw a Technical Diagram

  1. Look back at examples in the slides above. Notice how these examples deconstruct the object to show the individual elements.
  2. Deconstruct or take apart your final project into multiple components. Try to highlight visually, how the project is put together to perform its functions.


Submit your Use Diagram/s or Technical Diagram/s in the Responses tab above.

Studio Description

Dina Chehab

Time: Sunday Tuesday 6:30-8:30PM

Studio Description

Nature is full of fascinating patterns and designs. Beautiful forms, textures and colors abound: from the tiniest gem refracting with striking color, to the desert cliffs. Minerals, metals and other mined materials have been used for centuries to create adornments and ornamentation. Throughout history, drawing resources from the land, transforming them into usable materials, and driving innovation through developing new tools has defined the progress of humanity. 

The (Country) rich deposits of raw material paired with the expansion of its mining industry position the nation to envision an even more innovative future for all of humanity. Utopian projects like the ...., in part made possible by the products of mining, promise a transnational future in which “unmatched livability and economic prospects” are available to all inhabitants.

In this studio, students will get inspired from material properties by unleashing the unique qualities of processed and engineered materials. This will in return help them create their own re-imagined (country) by designing their own 'piece of the puzzle'. Each piece can take the form of an element of a city, infrastructure, or landscape, man-made or natural. Students will learn the skills of precedent research up until the digital fabrication phase, to be able to craft your own worlds from your own environments.

وصف الاستوديو

تزخر الطبيعة بالأنماط والتصميمات الرائعة.  حيث تتوفر أنماط كثيرة من الشكل والقوام واللون: من أصغر جوهرة تكسر شعاع الضوء بلون لافت، إلى  المنحدرات الصحراوية. وقد استخدمت المعادن وغيرها من المواد المستخرجة من المناجم لعدة قرون في صناعة أشكال الزينة والزخرفة.وعلى مر التاريخ، قد كان استخراج الموارد من الأرض وتحويلها إلى مواد قابلة للاستخدام والابتكار من خلال تطوير أدوات جديدة مقياسًا لتقدم الإنسانية. ويمكن التعبير عن تاريخ التقدم التقني من خلال تطوير الهوية والتعبير الثقافي المعقد والرائع.  

إن حقول ................. الغنية بالمواد الخام مقترنة بالتوَسُّع في صناعة  التعدين الذي يؤهل .........لتصوّر مستقبل أكثر إبداعًا للبشرية جمعاء. إن المشروعات المثالية مثل ....، التي أصبحت ممكنة جزئيًّا بفضل منتجات التعدين، تبشر بمستقبل عابر للحدود تتاح فيه "حياة وآفاق اقتصادية لا مثيل لها" لجميع السكان.

في هذا الاستوديو ، سيتم إلهام الطلاب من خصائص المواد من خلال إطلاق العنان للصفات الفريدة للمواد المصنعة والمصممة. سيساعدهم هذا في المقابل على إنشاء (بلدهم) المعاد تخيله من خلال تصميم "قطعة الأحجية" الخاصة بهم. يمكن أن تأخذ كل قطعة شكل عنصر مدينة أو بنية تحتية أو منظر طبيعي ، من صنع الإنسان أو طبيعي. سيتعلم الطلاب مهارات البحث السابق حتى مرحلة التصنيع الرقمي ، لتتمكن من صياغة عوالمك الخاصة من بيئاتك الخاصة.

Skills to Learn . المهارات التي سيتعلمونها



  Urban Design



  2D Drawing Software

  3D Drawing Software

Digital Fabrication (3d Printing - Laser-cutting)  


Making Things Fast

Dina Chehab

Sea Wall Sea Haul

Naleikaehukai Molitau


The “Sea-Wall-Sea-Haul” aims to address the issues of unsustainable fish-farming and coastal erosion by combining the fishing techniques of ancient Hawaiians with the efficiency and durability of modern design. The “Sea-Wall-Sea-Haul” uses system of gates, pipes, and sea walls to maintain the right environment for a fish farm while providing the coast with protection from the wind and waves.


As resources and coastal space continue to diminish, the need for multi-purpose and creative solutions to humanity’s problems increase. With this in mind, the ‘SWSH’ was made to combat the erosion of coastlines while also providing the framework for sustainable and community-accessible fish farms. The inspiration for this project traces back to ancient Hawaiian fish ponds known as Loko I’a. These farms operated on the premise that baby fish would first, enter through small-under water holes; second, feed on the algae and coral reef systems within the ponds; and third, be unable to leave due to being too big to swim out of the holes they once entered. Since these farms are part of the ocean ecosystem and rely not on the active pursuit of wild fish but on the passive collection of fish, they are much less ecologically and environmentally damaging relative to commercial fishing. The added benefit of any underwater structure is that it weakens oncoming swell and waves, decreasing forces absorbed by the nearby seawalls.


Although based on an ancient premise, the “Sea-Wall-Sea-Haul” is designed with a modern-degree of accuracy and productivity in mind. Made of reinforced concrete, able to channel specific amounts of freshwater, and able to adjust its gate holes according to the size of fish in the area, “SWSH” is a more durable, precise, and systematic form of the Hawaiian Fish Farm. If implemented on a large scale, and if certain regulations are in place, the public should be allowed to use the farms because every person, not just those with commercial fishing equipment, should have access to a reliable and steady source of fish.

The Specialist

Christiana Alo

The specialist is a submarine that combats ocean acidification. It does this by dropping capsules containing the proper chemicals that are able to offset ocean acidification. The submarine is equipped with a hatch that will drop the capsules, and a mini camera located at the top of the submarine so it can collect data and navigate where it’s going. 

Our world is dying. Greenhouse gases and pollution are causing the world to turn into a shell of what it once was. These substances not only cause problems for the land, but also the oceans. The dramatic increase of Co2 in our atmosphere is causing our oceans PH to change, making our waters acidic levels over the top. These reasons are causing death to our coral reef.  Thatʻs what the specialist is for! The specialist submarine has a mini camera and censor, and was innovated to put a stop to the catastrophic effects of ocean acidification in a simple, fast way.

The Holoholo Train

Tyler Sado

E kala mai e nā Kumu, 

My original presentation was posted in my documentation but I am reposting it here in the portfolio where it belongs.

The Beautiful Building Project

Kainoa Gates

The beautiful building project is a customizable dwelling that supports greenery growth directly on the façade of the structure. A network of planters are attached to all surfaces of the structure to allow residents to farm on the vertical surfaces.

The inspiration for this project was to suggest the fact that cities or where there is an abundance of structures can be looked at differently. Because there is not a lot of oxygen in large scale cities putting plants on buildings would increase the oxygen income. The project is helping people socially because they could have something to talk about, and how nice the structures are. Everyone who either lives in an apartment or house could be amazed at how there scenery would drastically change. The project assists people to get out and explore the new view and structures that have changed. There is no technology behind the project because instead of buildings that have no use and just take up space, there will be multiple uses for it when you put plants on it.  People can interact with it by literally customizing their choice of setting and what plants they want on it. They can revolutionize the way they look at things. This project was made for a big audience and hopefully will provide a new prospective in people eyes when they go outside.

The Beautiful Building Project

Kainoa Gates

The beautiful building project is a customizable dwelling that supports greenery growth directly on the façade of the structure. A network of planters are attached to all surfaces of the structure to allow residents to farm on the vertical surfaces.

The inspiration for this project was to suggest the fact that cities or where there is an abundance of structures can be looked at differently. Because there is not a lot of oxygen in large scale cities putting plants on buildings would increase the oxygen income. The project is helping people socially because they could have something to talk about, and how nice the structures are. Everyone who either lives in an apartment or house could be amazed at how there scenery would drastically change. The project assists people to get out and explore the new view and structures that have changed. There is no technology behind the project because instead of buildings that have no use and just take up space, there will be multiple uses for it when you put plants on it.  People can interact with it by literally customizing their choice of setting and what plants they want on it. They can revolutionize the way they look at things. This project was made for a big audience and hopefully will provide a new prospective in people eyes when they go outside.

Final Presentation

Bennet Takahama
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