Futuristic Vehicles (UE)

Final Presentation

Syuan-He Wang

Red Cells

NUVU: Transitopia

by Daniel Wang

The Unflippable Car

Owen Wigren

The Unflippable Car

Infinity Grounded

Codey Barr - Final Presentation (Nuvu SmartFarm Bot)

Codey Barr
1 / 9

The SmartFarm Bot is an AI farming tool that gives the user full control with a remote that has speed settings, pre-programmed functions, smart line and distance sensing using the built-in sensors, and manual driving controls. On top of that, it is also EcoFriendly, small, and durable!

DuckieTown Video

David Wang

Zoom your way through this studio by sketching, designing and building a concept model of a futuristic or sci-fi vehicle! What will vehicles look like in the far future? How will future cities affect the design of cars, buses, trains, and motorcycles (if such categories will even exist)? What will the systems that support these vehicles look like? Students will imagine the systems and infrastructure that will change the way vehicles move, how they are designed, and who they will transport, and then construct a vehicle based on their imaginations.

In this studio, students will be constructing sci-fi and futuristic vehicles of their imagination while learning about renewable energy systems such as solar, hydro, and wind power. Students will experience the hands-on joy of iterative physical prototyping and explore how motors, batteries, engines, radio signals, types of chassis, and wheels can help them achieve moveable speculative transportation devices. They'll push their vehicles to the creative limit with innovative and unusual designs!

Skills: Dynamic Response, Civic Participation, Design, Sketching, Materials Study, Precedent Research, Diagramming, Mechanical operations, Prototyping, Photography, Digital Fabrication Process (3D Printing), Electronics, and Natural Sciences Application (Physics). 

Renewable Energy


Research is a crucial part of the studio process and can help you generate lots of new, creative ideas and solutions. To get as much access to useful information as possible, we'll each take on a small portion of the research and then move on to brainstorming!

Work in small teams and choose from the following list: solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, or tidal. 

Each group will have about 20 minutes to research and learn about their renewable energy system. Then, you will share your knowledge with the rest of the class. This will be a casual share-out. This research will be quick and collaborative. 


Research your selected energy source. 

Next, in your groups, you will make a poster of your energy system to share out to the class. On a larger piece of paper (at least 11 X17), make a poster that includes:

  •  3 key takeaways (useful information, things you didn't know before).
  • A sketch or diagram of how the system works, describing how the energy source works. Try to make your drawing clearly convey the process of energy generation and transmission. Use arrows, labels, and colors to add to your sketch.

Share your poster with the class.  Then, together, reflect:  How does this research inform your ideas about the future of transit and personalized mobility? What are you most excited about for the future of transit? Are there opportunities you think should be explored? 


Post your an image of your poster in the Responses tab above. 


Kate James



Kate James


Car "Thingy" Generator

Keenan Gray


Tact-Tyles Presentation

Trevor McDonald


Teo & Trevor